As the world’s first communications consultancy dedicated to all forms of e-mobility, providing precision-targeted Ride-Sharing Public Relations and Robo-Taxi Public Relations strategies and services falls precisely within our multi-discipline skill set.
Our team is at the cutting edge of developments in these emerging sectors, making us the leading Ride-Sharing PR Agency and the leading Robo-Taxi PR Agency.
Although severely impacted during the pandemic, the global ride-sharing industry is back. With a CAGR of 16.3%, market value is expected to exceed $240bn by 2028. Along with Robo-Taxi Services, a sector expected to more than double in size over the next decade, Ride-Sharing will deliver seamless mobility on demand for city dwellers across the globe.
Influence emobility has provided PR for Ride-Sharing companies and PR for Robotics-Taxi companies since its inception. This has taken the form of support for start-ups at pre-seed funding. We have collaborated with our partners during the early stages of development and testing to plan Ride-Sharing PR Communication Strategies and Robo-Taxi PR Communication Strategies to help them emerge from stealth mode. In addition, we have also been chosen by global OEMs to support their highly ambitious growth plans in these sectors.
Key to helping our Ride-Sharing PR and Robo-Taxi PR clients is our proven ability to seamlessly immerse ourselves in every aspect of their business models so that we can fully understand their offers. This is not always an instant process, but it is crucial to spend the time working through every single detail, either at our headquarters in Soho, London, at our client’s base wherever they are in the world if required, or in online meetings, to create the correct messaging and strategy.
Having agreed on the correct messaging with our Ride-Sharing PR and Robo-Taxi PR clients, the next stage is to build compelling stories around their products and services. This takes numerous forms, including press releases, social media campaigns, keynote speeches, targeted media sell-in, thought leadership, LinkedIn support, media training or complete PR and communications strategies.
Delivery of those stories is critical. This is where engaging the services of a specialised Ride-Sharing PR Agency and a specialised Robot Taxi PR Agency unlocks key advantages. And it is also where the one unwavering fundamental principle that sits at the core of Influence’s strategic approach comes into play – ‘cut-through.’ The relationships we have with the world’s most influential and trusted journalists and titles – across print, online and social – ensure that we can get your stories heard in all the right places. This is essential to build credibility, drive consideration among your target audience, and unlock investment opportunities – the key ingredients required to lay the foundations for an effective growth strategy.
With rapidly emerging technologies, such as Ride-Sharing and Robo-Taxi Services, where a high level of public understanding and education must be delivered to allay any concerns and correct any misconceptions, the construction, delivery, and ongoing proactive management of the messaging is even more crucial.
Following on from the foundation of our parent agency Influence Associates, a decade, and a half ago, Influence emobility was founded to provide guidance and support across the entire clean-energy and next-generation mobility ecosystem. We also specialise in Electric Vehicles PR, Battery PR, Technology PR, Charging Infrastructure PR, Autonomous Vehicles PR, Connected Cars PR, Artificial Intelligence Technology PR, Last Mile Delivery Solutions PR, along with Smart City PR and Smart Grid PR. All of these interact with and impact upon the development of Ride-Sharing and Robo-Taxi Services.
We believe that the unique insight this provides gives Influence emobility a greater understanding of and a superior ability to meet the communication needs of our Ride-Sharing and Robo-Taxi clients than any other agency.
With a senior leadership team comprising six directors with board and C-suite experience in global communications, we are uniquely positioned to provide our clients with high-level senior strategic counsel. And those same resources are on hand 24/7 for rapid delivery of Ride-Sharing PR Crisis Communication and Robo-Taxi PR Crisis Communication, should it be needed, to provide our clients with complete peace of mind.
How can we help you?
Why is working with a specialist Ride-Sharing PR Agency and a specialist Robot-Taxi PR Agency than effective than working with a generalist PR agency or a tech PR or consumer agency?
Put simply, it is about expertise, understanding and sector knowledge and having the closest relationships with the global opinion leaders that matter to the companies working in the Ride-Sharing and Robo-Taxi sectors. As the world’s first communications consultancy dedicated to all forms of next-generation mobility, providing precision-targeted Ride-Sharing Public Relations and Robo-Taxi Public Relations strategies and services falls precisely within our multi-discipline skill set. We focus this expertise to benefit our Ride-Sharing and Robo-Taxi clients and give them unparalleled access to the global opinion formers they need to project their brand and business. A generalist, tech or consumer agency can’t provide this level of sector knowledge. We believe it's the difference between great and good.
What does a Ride-Sharing PR agency do?
A specialist agency focussing on Ride-Sharing PR and Robo-Taxi PR, and all forms of Transport PR can help companies in many ways. At Influence emobility, we have a proven model that helps clients refine and focus their messaging in order to really cut through and provide a key point of difference. Having laser-focussed messaging is the first step. We then take your message to key global influencers in your space, such as influential journalists and opinion formers who in turn amplify that message through respected channels. Those channels can be traditional media (print and broadcast), your own channels or the specific targeting of appropriate audiences through social media such as LinkedIn. Powerful brand building amongst critical audiences is vital to business success.
What Robo-Taxi PR and Ride-Sharing PR services do you offer?
We deliver all the services you would expect from a specialist Robo-Taxi PR Agency and a specialist Ride-Sharing PR Agency and more. This includes developing a brand-building strategy, positioning and key messaging. Having worked in e-mobility PR, Mobility as a Service PR and Transport PR for decades, we have a global opinion-leading media and influencer network second to none. We work with all forms of media and channels to deliver effective targeting. Influence has managed and supported the launch of multiple companies specialising in next-generation mobility solutions – from content and event production through to social media and community management. We are very much promoters as well as protectors, so reputation management and crisis communications is also part of our client offering.
What is your approach to Robo-Taxi PR and Ride-Sharing PR?
At Influence emobility we have a proven brand-building model to help bring brands from early stage, stealth mode through a number of phases, each building on the last to introduce start-up Robo-Taxi and Ride-Sharing businesses to key opinion formers. We are very focused on key messaging to ensure it ‘cuts through’ in an ever more crowded market place at the right time and through the most effective channel. For businesses that are already in the market, we use similar tools but focus on amplification and mass awareness. All this ensures your brand and comms is clearly differentiated from competitors and we support you in delivering your business objectives.
What expertise does your team have?
At the core of our leading Robo-Taxi and Ride-Sharing PR Agency proposition is our team. This is comprised of nine award-winning former editors of some of the world’s leading automotive, eMobility and sustainability media, who not only have deep domain knowledge and an enviable contact book, but are adept at rapidly disseminating information and producing editorial-grade copy that brings out a client’s key message or USP. This journalistic experience is blended with multiple former Heads of Comms and PR with Board level and C-Suite experience. The team is backed up by experienced event and product launch specialists and content creators that can provide compelling assets for every channel. This mix of skillsets provides senior firepower and capability to our clients with the experience to advise and execute market-leading Robo-Taxi PR and Ride-Sharing PR.
What type of Ride-Sharing and Robo-Taxi companies do you work with?
As the leading Robo-Taxi PR Agency and Ride-Sharing PR Agency, we have provided multi-faceted PR initiatives for those operating in the Ride-Sharing and Robo-Taxi spheres. This has taken the form of support for start-ups at pre-seed funding. We have collaborated with our partners during the early stages of development and testing to plan Ride-Sharing PR Communication Strategies and Robo-Taxi PR Communication Strategies to help them emerge from stealth mode. In addition, we have also been chosen by global OEMs to support their highly ambitious growth plans in these sectors.
We are the leading and specialist Ride-Sharing and Robo-Taxi PR agency. Contact us on to discuss how we can support you.